Al-Safa Chicken Products Should Switch Back to Hand-Slaughter Zabihah

The Al-Safa company recently changed its slaughter process for Halal chickens. At this time, all Al-Safa chicken products are being machine-slaughtered and are no longer hand-slaughtered in accordance to Halal criteria. When it comes to corporate responsibility and ethics, the company did not make a public announcement regarding this important update.  It is possible that many Muslims assume that Al-Safa products are still hand-slaughtered as previously claimed.  Transparency and honesty is the best policy, and a company should always try to do the right thing.  For more information, please see the following article:

I am a customer of Al-Safa products and am not happy about this development.  I expect Al-Safa to show more transparency and honesty regarding their halal processes in the future with the public.  I support Halal which is hand-slaughtered by a Muslim and would choose hand-slaughter when given a choice between this Sunnah method versus the very controversial machine-slaughter method. I would be willing to consume Al-Safa products in the future if they would be hand-slaughtered by a Muslim.  The consumption of Halal food products is an important issue for me and I support the efforts of those who strive towards Halal integrity in America.

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