Petition for Compassion for Australia's Wild Horses

Aerial killing of wild horses has been conducted with the support of government and the RSPCA in the state of Queensland in Australia.

Australia could not have been settled without the help of these wonderful animals.
The wild Brumby is an integral part of our cultural heritage.
In peace and war they have given their hearts and lives for us.

We, the undersigned, are greatly concerned at this inhumane and cruel method of slaughter.
Of particular concern is the slaughter of mares due to foal and mares with newborn foals at foot.
There exist more humane ways to lower the numbers (where necessary) of these highly intelligent, hardy and beautiful animals.
We the undersigned request an immediate end to aerial culling of wild horses.
We, the undersigned, are greatly concerned at this inhumane and cruel method of slaughter.
Of particular concern is the slaughter of mares due to foal and mares with newborn foals at foot.
There exist more humane ways to lower the numbers (where necessary) of these highly intelligent, hardy and beautiful animals.
We the undersigned request an immediate end to aerial culling of wild horses.
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