We the People are Demanding our Democracy Back

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Please help build & publicize a nationwide non-violent PEOPLE's uprising on Labor Day 2011. The protest will demand an end to corporate welfare, tax loopholes and a rescission of Bush Era tax cuts for the top 2%.  Help make Labor Day 2011 the beginning of a National People's Movement.

As one person said in discussing the importance of WE the PEOPLE showing up in massive numbers on Labor Day 2011... "If you can, go to the Nations Capital. If you cannot make it there, go to your State Capital. If you cannot make it there, go to you local City Hall. But the important thing that day is that EVERYBODY GOES SOMEWHERE!" - quote from Steven Thomas Evans.

We the People are coming to you for help.

Ed Schultz, leaders of National Unions and our national progressive leadership all of you are in a unique position to organize and publicize a march on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC... Please, get involved and help publicize  and organize a protest in Washingto DC on Labor Day 2011, demanding an end to corporate welfare, tax loopholes and a rescission of Bush Era tax cuts for the top 2%. Make this march about demanding our Democracy back.

Right now, the Republicans on Capitol Hill are pushing draconian spending cuts that will gouge the middle class, elderly, poor and disabled.  They are talking to us about "shared sacrifice". And they are willing to do this after holding middle class tax cuts hostage until President Obama gave in to their demands that the wealthy get a continuation of the Bush Era tax cuts. 

It's time to descend upon Washington DC and demand real "shared sacrifice". It's time to demand a rescission of the Bush Era Tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%.

Right now a genuine grass-roots movement is bubbling up all over this country. A sleeping giant is waking up to the realization that our Democracy has been sold to the highest bidder. And now "We the People" are starting to do the work of taking our Democracy back from the corporate politicians. In WI, IN, OH, MI and other states all over the Union "We the people" are showing up and demanding that our governments listen to us.

It's time to take this show to Washington, DC... and we need your help. If Wisconsinites can consistently get 100,000 people to show up in Madison, then "we the people" of this country aught to be able to get a million people to show up in Washington DC and demand an end to Corporate welfare, corporate tax loopholes and a rescission of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

Thank you for leading the way and helping us take our Democracy back. We appreciate it.

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