Worlds Children Peace Day Pledge
World Peace Congress
Lake Maggiori, Italy
We, the youth of the world, find the rise of violence and social injustice in our current societies to be contrary to our precepts. On the concept of a sustainable Culture of Peace on Earth, without looking for political platforms, nor to sway people to follow a certain way of life, we see a goal of non-violence and freedom as an attainable basic human right for all in our Future.
We pledge to urge global, national, state, local governments and families of the human race to pursue human rights laws, conflict resolution, and civil liberties that ensures peace in our communities and promote this as such as our unalienable human right and with these conscious efforts.
We pledge to strive to prevent war and institute peace on a personal, local and global level with non-violence and peace as our organizing principle in our societies towards freedom.
We pledge to work towards a more peaceful and prosperous life for posterity, and ourselves by respecting each other as uniquely created valuable human beings worth saving.
We pledge to uphold the importance of the unity and iceality of Human thought, natural law and spiritual causation by asking for guidance that will direct us in the right path for an understanding of compassion and respect for each other and to recognize this as both an honor and a responsibility of members of the human family.
We pledge to agree and join with my other brothers and sisters of the world that we will embrace the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by turning our selfish agendas away and helping the discontent around us with empathy and honesty.
Therefore, we, the youth worldwide, further pledge that every year on International Peace Day, we will gather in a peaceful assembly around our own home town Peace Stone and join in the efforts of all the other Worlds Children from across all Nations to bring awareness on issues like tribal, racial, political and religious differences which are some of the major hindrance to peaceful coexistence%u2026.and celebrate with all who have one common dream to live in Peace on this One World.
I AGREE that Peace in our lives is a basic human right for all the Worlds Children......
I AGREE that if you really want a better future then you must start work on it today.
I AGREE to work with others on this mission for a better peaceful tomorrow.....
I AGREE that we are the worlds %u201CChildren of the Future"!
I have added my thoughts and best wishes to help accomplish this mission. I have signed and kept a copy of the Worlds Children Peace Pledge to remind myself of how I can help bring the peace and harmony to my own family, school and neighborhood. I will pass this on to one person in civil society, elected official or in the global peace movement to make the world a better place for everyone.
Original Petition Authors:
Ione Biggs, Johanna Roth, David & Renate Jakupca, Daniel Thompson, Werner Lange, Michael Bryan, Priscilla Reagan, Carol Santora, Yolanda Lamar-Wilder
In 2009, the WCPM scored numerous policy and grassroots victories, and laid the ground work for continuing progress towards a more peaceful world in 2010. Two new Peace Stones where set to be erected in Strongsville, Ohio and Rising Sun, Indiana. The WCPM is helping an international coalition of peace groups in a major push for nuclear weapons abolition at the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference at the UN in May.
Sometimes it seems like the challenges facing the peace movement are overwhelming. For me, knowing there are hundreds of thousands of people like you out there working for peace every day, gives me the energy I need to keep the work going. And for that I thank you.
Every time someone commits to doing something every day for a better world, we come one step closer to creating that world.
I wish you the best this holiday season and in the New Year to come.
Thanks for all that you do.
Renate Jakupca,
ICEA Executive Director
PS. Thanks for all you've already done. I look forward to working with you in the year ahead
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