Jobs in Durham - No to 751

The 751 Assemblage (rezoning case number Z0800003 - changing land from rural low-density to mixed use high-density) is a $500 million, residential and commercial project proposed for 165 acres in the environmentally sensitive land adjacent to Jordan Lake, the plans for which include 600,000 square feet of retail and office space and 1,300 residential units.
  1. The developers do not commit to assisting with transportation. No buses = no jobs for urban Durhamites who need them most.
  2. The developers do not commit to affordable housing.
  3. The developers do not commit to meeting proposed new regulations for Jordon Lake water quality - posing the question - who will pay the cost of the retrofits which will be in the millions?
  4. The developers do not commit to restrict retail to fewer than 75,000 square feet; there is nothing to stop this from becoming more big-box sprawl.
  5. The project further imperils the already impaired water quality of Jordon Lake
  6. The project will contribute to air pollution with an estimated 40,000 new trips a day.
  7. Low wage, low skilled workers will not be able to get to, or afford to live in, 751 South
  8. The infrastructure to support the project is a drain of tax dollars, and certainly no gain for Durham taxpayers: for the first 10 years, new county taxes will cover building a new school only; and new estimated city revenues may not cover the development's need for police, fire, garbage, recycling, street maintenance, storm water monitoring, parks and rec.

This is NOT smart growth - This is growth REGARDLESS OF TAXPAYER COST! The bottom line- 751 is in the wrong place.

The only way to stop this is with YOUR help. First, Sign the Petition if you haven't already (and pass it on!)

Then please email, call, or write the
County Commissioners and cc the City Council: & Council@DurhamNC.Gov
This case should go to the City to work out water and sewer before any approval vote by the Commissioners. Tell the Commissioners to either VOTE NO on 751, or at the least pass on voting until the City has worked out water and sewer.

Please help us educate the citizens Durham -

Tell your friends and neighbors to take action today!

We the citizens of Durham, implore our government officials to vote AGAINST the 751 Assemblage rezoning case (Z0800003) for reasons including the following:


1) Affordable Housing considerations:

According to the developer's analysis of household incomes needed to afford housing of all types, NO ONE making $10 hour could afford to live in 751 S.  And the developer refuses to commit to any affordable housing. 


2) Jobs, transportation and pollution:

The Planning Commission voted (11-1) against this rezoning. The 1 approving vote was based solely on the fact that developers are promising to provide Durham jobs. Jobs are most drastically needed in Durham%u2019s inner city, far from this development.  There are no plans to extend mass-transit this far, nor any plans by the developer to provide transportation.  Only people with cars will be able to take advantage of these jobs.  The Planning Department estimates traffic will increase from 417 cars/24 hours under current zoning to 30,000/24 hours under new zoning. 


 3) Water Quality and Environmental Considerations:

* With the enormous price tag facing Durham for cleaning up the impaired Jordan Lake, it is unwise to build anything of this size in an area so close to the lake. The developers have refused to commit to abiding by the new Jordan Lake rules/requirements.

* Planning staff is recommending against this rezoning, for reasons primarily relating to the lack of preservation of natural inventory areas. Part of the site lies in the Stagecoach Road Bottomlands (an area listed in the Durham County Inventory of Important Natural Areas, Plants and Wildlife), with a "mature stand of swamp forest" remaining on site. The developers refuse to commit to the state's request of an additional 100 meter buffer from the 100-year flood plain, and several acres of play fields for the proposed school site would require disturbance and grading, also something that doesn't meet local government policy. 


4) Adequate Retail/Housing for Durham%u2019s projected growth:

According to Bill Kalkhoff, "there is currently more than 1.1 million square feet of sub-lease space available in the Triangle market, and that space is leasing for 60 percent to 70 percent of market leasing rates" (April 1, HS; this article is cut and pasted at the bottom of this email). South Durham retail is vacating at an alarming rate. Many retail spaces have never been occupied. There are certainly no guarantees that the 751 Assemblage will actually house viable businesses. And the developer does not commit to restricting retailers to fewer than 75,000 square feet - instead of small local businesses; we might get yet more big boxes. 


For these reasons, we the citizens of Durham, implore our government officials to either A: vote AGAINST the 751 Assemblage rezoning case (Z0800003) or B: Defer to City Council to plan water and sewer lines FIRST before taking a vote. Thank you for taking the time to consider this petition.


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