STOP The LIVE Skinning of animals in China. This is Horrific Animal Cruelty. Together

To: The Government of the Peoples Republic of China

Please urgently introduce legislation in China to:

1. Make it illegal to slaughter cats, dogs and other animals by skinning them alive for their fur
2. Protect all animals against mistreatment and cruelty of any nature
3. Ban the export from China of cat and dog fur and any products containing cat or dog fur
4. Ban cat and dog fur from being used wholly or partly in the manufacture of products in China
5. Introduce severe penalties to enforce the legislation

99% Of People Do Not Know These Facts!

2,000,000 cats and dogs are sadistically skinned alive every year in China for their fur and left to die slowly in shock and excruciating pain.


%u201CBecause%u201D, Say the Chinese: %u201CIt%u2019s easier to skin a live warm animal that%u2019s convulsing in agony than a dead body%u201D.

Who Buys Products Made of Fur?

We do. People buy apparel, accessories, toys and souvenirs trimmed or made with fur. Do you think they are labelled %u201CLabrador Fur%u201Dor %u201CSiamese Fur%u201D? Off course not. The fur is mislabelled and disguised.

Please Help Us STOP such Horrific Animal Cruelty. Together, Lets STOP This Sickening Trade.

We have No Alternative but to Campaign.

The Consequences of Not Fighting the Trade are Too Horrible to Contemplate and Completely Unacceptable.

Our Aims

Persuade the Chinese Government to:

Prohibit the Brutal and Sadistic Practice in China of Skinning Animals
Alive for their Fur.
Ban the Export and Sale of Cat and Dog Fur and Products Wholly or Partly Manufactured With the Fur.
Ban the Use of Cat and Dog Fur in the Manufacture of Products and for Any Other Purpose Whatsoever.
Enforce the Law with Heavy Penalties.

 Persuade Other Governments (where Cats, Dogs and Other Animals are Skinned Alive in their Countries) to Adopt Similar Laws

Persuade All Other Governments to:

Ban the Import and Sale of Cat and Dog Fur and of Products Wholly or Partly Manufactured With the Fur.
Ban the Use of Cat and Dog Fur in the Manufacture of Products and for Any Other Purpose Whatsoever.

Create Awareness Everywhere of:

The Horrors of the Chinese Fur Trade.
The Dangers of Buying Fur Products Whether Made in China or Elsewhere.
The Immediate Need to Stop Buying Fur of Any Nature.

How Will We Achieve Our Aims?

With Your Help and the Animal Saviors Awareness Campaign!

To: The Government of the Peoples Republic of China

Please urgently introduce legislation in China to:

1. Make it illegal to slaughter cats, dogs and other animals by skinning them alive for their fur
2. Protect all animals against mistreatment and cruelty of any nature
3. Ban the export from China of cat and dog fur and any products containing cat or dog fur
4. Ban cat and dog fur from being used wholly or partly in the manufacture of products in China
5. Introduce severe penalties to enforce the legislation

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