Save the Fabric Centers in Walmart Stores

Don't let corporate america decide what we can buy and not buy!  Just because it may seem to be in the company's financial interest on the bottom line, where is the customer loyalty? 
All the people that count on the Walmart fabric departments for whatever sewing project you do, the fabric and the price cannot be beat at Walmart and I believe that they are doing their customers a great injustice by closing or cutting back on the fabric departments. 
We have to stand up and be counted, make them hear our voices, stop letting them run our lives by deciding what we can and cannot buy.

We are asking that you keep your fabric and notions departments that are in your stores and put those departments back into the supercenters you have recently opened without a fabric center or craft center. 
For some of us who depend on crafting for income and livlihood, your centers have the best quality and price on most of your items. There are also some places that would not have anywhere to get those items at all if those are taken from your stores.
We are respectfully asking that you reconsider the propect of removing or drastically changing your fabric and craft centers.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
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