Keep Early French Immersion in New Brunswick

  • av: Concerned parents
  • mottagare: French Second Language Education and Bilingualism Supporters
The current Early French Immersion Program is under review and the government of New Brunswick is strongly considering removing the program from our schools.  We the undersigned strongly support the Early French Immersion program because IT GIVES OUR CHILDREN THE BEST EDUCATION IN FRENCH AS THEIR SECOND LANGUAGE.

Please inform yourself
of the importance of Early French Immersion by reading about it from Professors of French Second Language Education at the University of New Brunswick at
If you want the government of New Brunswick to keep the Early French Immersion program please sign this petition and make your voice heard!

In the only bilingual province in Canada, our children must have the benefit of the best French second language program available, Early French Immersion.
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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