SOS for Aminatou HAIDAR and Western Sahara

December 2009


Dear President of the European Union Council,

Given the close relationship between the European Union and Morocco, from which this African country benefits greatly, you have the possibility and the duty to act in favour of the application of UN resolutions and international law regarding the basic rights of the people of the Western Sahara in order to decide their future, which has been stolen to them for too many years.

At this very moment, it is urgent that the European Union intervenes to save the life of Mrs. Aminatou Haidar, once again victim of barbaric violences by the tyranny of Morocco, who has, de facto, annexed her country since 1975 and has today deprived Mrs Haidar of her home and her beloved children, while pushing her to death with the shameful complicity of the Spanish state.

I believe in your commitment to employ your power to make true the respect that each political leader ought to demonstrate for life and human dignity, individual and collective. Thus I ask you: please act swiftly to protect the life of Mrs. Haidar, without which our humanity would be even poorer.

While I thank your consideration, wish you the determination to succeed in your actions as head of the European Union and to make a difference for the better in the world.


December 2009

Dear President of the Council of the European Union,

Given the close relationship between the European Union and Morocco, from which this African country benefits greatly, you have the possibility and the duty to act in favour of the application of UN resolutions and international law regarding the basic rights of the people of the Western Sahara in order to decide their future, which has been stolen from them for too many years.

At this very moment, it is urgent that the European Union intervenes to save the life of Mrs. Aminatou Haidar, once again victim of barbaric violences by the tyranny of Morocco, who has, de facto, annexed her country since 1975 and has today deprived Mrs Haidar of her home and her beloved children, while pushing her to death with the shameful complicity of the Spanish state.

I believe in your commitment to employ your power to make true the respect that each political leader ought to demonstrate for life and human dignity, individual and collective. Thus I ask you: please act swiftly to protect the life of Mrs. Haidar, without which our humanity would be even poorer.

While I thank your consideration, wish you the determination to succeed in your actions as head of the European Union and to make a difference for the better in the world.


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