• av: A FAN
  • mottagare: ABC
Darlene January - Fan
500 South Buena Vista Street,
Burbank, CA 91521
Robert A. Iger, President and Chief Executive Officer
Anne Sweeney, Co-Chairman

Dear Mr. Iger and Ms. Sweeney:

We the undersigned speaking for the fans of All My Children and One Life to Live that adamantly do not want a cancellation of these shows to occur.  It's an injustice to the many fans who watch the soaps.  You will not find any more loyal fans than those who view the daytime soaps.  We are loyal fans that record or DVR them as most of us are working class citizens, stay at home moms or senior citizens.   Let's talk about the people who are handicap and some are in wheelchairs, nursing homes, and have to stay in bed who have watch these soaps day to day keeping them alive.

The stories that the Soaps presents at times are what goes on in the real world, such as rape, domestic violence, teen abuse, bullying and etc.  It teaches us how to handle these situations in real life.  The one thing soaps bring to the table is teaching the viewers the what to do and not to do in how to be a family.

Some of us have been watching for over 40 years - now that's loyalty! We are consumers and do purchase the products that your advertisers sell.  Unfortunately, we are not all involved in your ratings system so I have to believe that the majority of fans are not counted.   For ABC to replace them with more reality shows is a mistake. 

Please move these shows to another time slot or  keep the cable channel Soap Network to keep these two soaps on the air, or offer to sell them to another Affiliate such as Oprah Winfrey, NBC, Fox or CBS. Could it be that hard to do?  Please do it for the fans and also for the actors and actresses.  Do you realize that we grew up with most of  these actors and actresses for instance, Susan Lucci, most of us were teenagers just like she was when she came on All My Children, to watch and wait for her to get the Emmy.  Being there and mourn for the matriarchs such as James Mitchell and many more who have died.  Not to mention the loss of jobs will be enormous from stage hands to writers, producers, and the actors/actresses.  In this economic time is to save jobs not to eliminate them.   

We beg of you to change your mind.  Please give us the consideration and loyalty that we have given to you over the years by keeping the daytime soaps on the air.

Thank you

The Fans

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