Petition to oppose Walmart at 924 and Plumtree Road

By signing below, I certify that I am opposed to the construction of a Walmart Super Center at the intersection of Plumtree Road and Emmorton Road (Rt 924) in Bel Air.
I believe that a local economy provides the community with the necessary financial and social support for balanced economic growth.  I am convinced that having a Walmart Super Center will be a detriment to our community.  In particular, the construction of a Walmart Super Center at this location will reduce local business viability.
Additionally, I believe that a Walmart Super Center will add significant traffic congestion and may also increase the rate of crime in and around residential properties in he 56 communities along the Route 924 corridor and adjacent to Patterson Mill Middle and High School.
We the undersigned, would like to urge the Planners, Developers and Public Servants of Harford County, and the representatives of our Districts, to consider our plea.  We are opposed to the construction of a Walmart Super Center at the location adjacent to Plumtree Road and between Rt. 924 and Hwy. 24 in Bel Air, Md. 
We feel that this would be an unfortunate change to the wonderful atmosphere that we now enjoy in Bel Air, and would negatively impact local traffic and community safety. 
We are concerned that without community input, this project will go forward with little consideration for the impact to the neighbors of this potential new construction. 
We do not oppose development of this parcel, but wish to help shape the nature and atmosphere of the future of our community.
Sincerely, the Undersigned.
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