Free Roxanne Hillier from prison in the UAE

We the undersigned are requesting your joint involvement in diplomatic
assistance to call for the immediate and unconditional release of Ms
Roxanne Hillier from a Sharjah prison, UAE, considering her to be a
prisoner of conscience. We also ask that in the outcome of the appeal
court be questioned as to how Ms. Hillier's conviction and sentence of
three months in prison, with deportation was upheld without proper
evidence, while her co-accused was set free.

We the undersigned are requesting your joint involvement in diplomatic
assistance to call for the immediate and unconditional release of Ms
Roxanne Hillier from a Sharjah prison, UAE, considering her to be a
prisoner of conscience. We also ask that in the outcome of the appeal
court be questioned as to how Ms. Hillier's conviction and sentence of
three months in prison, with deportation was upheld without proper
evidence, while her co-accused was set free.

Ms. Hillier was convicted and sentenced to three months in prison (as
we understand) on the following charges:
1.      Having sex out of wedlock, with the co-accused, her boss.
2.      Being in the same place alone with a man who is not her
husband, brother, or father.

Her co-accused, who was initially convicted of the same charges, was
sentenced to six months in prison. The appeal court cleared him of the
first charge of having sex with Ms, Hillier and sentenced him to one
month for the lesser charge of being in the same room or building.  He
was released on (time already served) the same day.

We the undersigned ask how he can be cleared for not having sex
with Ms. Hillier, while Ms. Hilliers sentence was upheld for having sex
with him.  If he did not have sex with her, then it is obvious the she
did not have sex with him.  Ms. Roxanne Hillier is innocent.

Thank you for your time.

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