Let's vote Wendy Portillo out of her Kindergarten class!

  • av: L. Kirby-McIntosh
  • mottagare: Principal, Morningside School, Port St. Lucie School District AND Florida Department of Children and Families

NEWS UPDATE!   Nov. 18th, 2008
Ms. Portillo has been suspended without pay for one year by the Port St. Lucie School District!!!

Here's an email address you can use to send a message of support to Alex and his family:


Here's the link to the police report:


I was contacted by staff at CNN and they had me do an on-air interview about this petition on the Glenn Beck show!  A video clip is available at http://www.ontarioautismcoalition.com

I'm happy to report that as of May 27th, Ms. Portillo has been removed from the classroom pending an investigation.  It's a start.

"Portillo was removed from classroom duties until further action may be determined, according to St. Lucie County School district spokesman Janice Karst said this week. "


Let's keep this petition going to send a loud message to Ms. Portillo and to all teachers that public humiliation is NEVER an appropriate form of classroom management.

Here's a background article on what happened: 


Write the St. Lucie County School Board at

The school's principal is Marcia Cully: (772)337-6730

Morningside Elementary School Principal: Mrs. Marcia Cully cullym@stlucie.k12.fl.us (772) 337-6730St.

Lucie County Schools Superintendent: Michael J. Lannon4204 Okeechobee Road Ft. Pierce 34947-5414 Phone: 772/429-3925 FAX: 772/429-3916 e-mail: lannonm@stlucie.k12.fl.us

St. Lucie County School Board Chair: Carol Hilson 772-519-0397 HilsonC@stlucie.k12.fl.us

Vice Chair:Judith Miller772-528-4545 MillerJ@stlucie.k12.fl.us

BACKGROUND:  Wendy Portillo, a Florida Kindergarten teacher, somehow thought it would be a good idea to invite her students, one by one, to tell one of their 5-year old classmates why they didn't like him.  "A.B." has behavioural issues, and has been sent to the principal's office on occassion.  After one such visit, Ms. Portillo held a vote on whether the students wanted to keep A.B. in their class.  A.B. is in the process of being tested for Asperger's Syndrome, a form of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  

Whether this child has a disability or not, NO CHILD should be humiliated in such a fashion.  If you think that this teacher deserves to be fired for such blatantly unprofessional and discriminatory behaviour, please sign this petition! 
We, the undersigned:
Believe that the actions of Florida Kindergarten teacher Wendy Portillo show a lack of professionalism, compassion and good judgement;
Believe that classroom discipline should never involve shaming, isolation or cruelty;
Feel that allowing 5-year olds to "vote" on whether to keep a classmate is evidence in and of itself of professional incompetence on the part of the teacher;
Therefore, we request that Wendy Portillo be removed from her position as teacher in the State of Florida.
Signera petitionen
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