If it were your child with cancer?


Childhood Cancer Facts

 - Childhood cancer is the #1 killer disease of our children, more than from asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, congenital anomalies, and pediatric AIDS combined

- Every school day, 46 children are diagnosed with cancer, the equivalent of two classrooms of students.

- 12,500 children are diagnosed with cancer each year.

- 1 in 330 children will be diagnosed with cancer before age 20

- Each year over 2,500 children die from cancer, over 40,000 are receiving treatment

- The incidence of childhood cancer has increased every year over the past 25 years

- Cancer treatment can cause serious side effects that may last a lifetime

- Only 3% of all cancer research money goes to childhood cancer.

If you would like to find out more facts or make a donation that will go directly for Childhood Cancer Research, we suggest the following:


Thank you for viewing our petition.  We hope and pray that you never find yourself in our situation.  Please pray for our little girl, Kansas, and all of the other children and their families that are fighting this terrible disease called cancer.  Together, we can make a difference!!

**We dedicate this petition to our beautiful daughter, Kansas.  We can not imagine life without her.  She is the reason we are so determined to fight for  cures to all childhood cancers.  Please visit her webpage at www.caringbridge.org/visit/kansascassidy.

Every Child Deserves The Right To Live....
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