Ban the Use of Shark Products in China

This Petition will be handed into the Chinese Consulate in London on Reaching 20,000 signatures.

By signing this petition, we will ask the Chinese Governemnet via the Consulate in London to safeguard the survival of sharks and rays in international Waters.

You may be aware that the Shark population as a species is under great threat, Some marine biologist have suggested as soon as 2020 these magnificent creatures may be extinct.

Over 200,000 Million Sharks are taken each year, many illegally, caught to support a growing industry for shark products in the Asian market.  Most fins being used as a starch to thicken Shark Fin soup which has no taste but is thought to have magical properties and a sign of wealth!

Shark Fining is the practice whereby a shark's fins are sliced off on-board the fishing vessel before the carcass is discarded; the Shark is usually thrown back alive to drown or slowly bleed to death. Officially, this practice has been illegal for European fishermen since 2003; however, current legislation contains many loopholes.

We are deeply concerned about the failure of EU & World fishery managers to heed scientific studies that time and again emphasise the decline of sharks and rays due to over fishing.  Most shark species are slow to grow and produce few young. This makes their populations extremely vulnerable to fishing pressure. Many fishing populations have collapsed because of over fishing and will need decades to regain a healthy level.  It is still possible for fishermen to fin sharks without being prosecuted.

Whilst legislation in to banning shark fining may be introduced, unless the demand for these fins is stopped at source then the illegal poaching of sharks will continue.  Whilst China is not the only Country importing Shark fins, it is by far the largest importer

By urging the Chinese Government taking action to ban the use of Shark Fins in both medicinal and foods, such as Shark Fin soup China would be leading the world in valuable conservation.  Wouldnt it be nice to GO DOWN IN HISTORY as the country that saved the Sharks, rather than the Country responsible for their extinction?

China wouldnt tolerate the wholesale slaughter of Panda's for there paw's for use in soup's and medicines, but they allow the mass extinction of the shark species.

By signing this letter we ask you to safeguard the survival of sharks and rays in international Waters. We are deeply concerned about the failure of EU & World fishery managers to heed scientific studies that time and again emphasise the decline of sharks and rays due to overfishing.  Most shark species are slow to grow and produce few young. This makes their populations extremely vulnerable to fishing pressure. Many fishing populations have collapsed because of over fishing and will need decades to regain a healthy level.  It is still possible for fishermen to fin sharks without being prosecuted. Finning is the practice whereby a shark's fins are sliced off on-board before the carcass is discarded, the Shark is usually thrown back alive to drown or slowly bleed to death. Officially, this practice has been illegal for European fishermen since 2003; however, current legislation contains many loopholes.

Whilst legislation in to ban shark fining may be introduced, unless the demand for these fins is stopped at source then the illegal poaching of sharks will continue.  Whilst China is not the only Country importing Shark fins, it is by far the largest importer.  By the Chinese Government taking action to ban the use of Shark Fins in both medicinal and foods, such as Shark Fin soup you will be leading the world in valuable conservation.  Wouldn%u2019t it be nice to GO DOWN IN HISTORY as the country that saved the Sharks, rather than the Country responsible for their extinction?

Now is our chance to take action and prevent these valuable species from being lost forever.

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