Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages in Chicago

Carriage horses in large cities like Chicago live nose-to-tailpipe existences; they are forced to breath in the deadly fumes from car exhaust pipes daily, as they weave their way through the streets. The horses pull heavy carts - weighing 700-800 pounds - for up to six hours per day, carrying as many as seven people per ride. At night, they return to small, barren stalls, usually on the upper floors of buildings. The multi-story buildings not only have poor ventilation, but they pose a threat as to what would happen to the animals in the case of a fire?
Horses are herd animals - they enjoy spending time with one another. These social beings are rarely allowed to visit with, let alone, form bonds with other horses in the carriage industry. In addition to being social, they are also very intelligent and need mental stimulation. They are harnessed for most of the day and locked in a stall for the rest of the time, leaving them to develop bad habits and grow bored/restless.
The horses can legally work in any weather between 15-90 degrees although this law is rarely enforced. They have no shade from the blistering sun and can be found standing in a foot of snow/ice in the winter. 
When you cross a 1,200, skittish animal with hundreds of fast moving cars, you put everyone in danger. Horses were not meant to be present in huge, polluted cities, amongst large SUV's and buses. Horses are not machines and should be treated more humanely. Ban the carriages from Chicago for these reasons and many more.
We the undersigned are petitioning to ban the practice of horse-drawn carriages in Chicago. 
The horses live nose-to-tailpipe existences; they are forced to breath in the deadly fumes from car exhaust pipes daily, as they weave their way through the streets. The horses pull heavy carts - weighing 700-800 pounds - for up to six hours per day, carrying as many as seven people per ride. A skittish, 1,200 pound animal, in combination with hundreds of fast-moving cars, poses a threat to everyone around. Not to mention, at night, the horses are returned to small, poorly-ventilated stalls, usually on the upper floors of buildings.
The carriages could be replaced by a unique antique car ride or human-powered pedicabs. Please consider banning horse-drawn carriages from Chicago streets. (Tourists will still happily flock to our fine city, even without the carriages!) Thank you in advance for your time and we hope you make the right choice.
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