A large number of horses are raced to death every year. There have been 676 deaths in 1491 days, this means that there has been a death almost every two days.  Horse racing authorities have continually failed to bring this shocking statistic into the public domain, preferring to dismiss equine fatalities as 'accidents' or 'unexplained'The recent deaths of the horses Ornias and Dooney'Gate at The Grand National add to the list of many deaths to occur during this specific event. The numbers of equine deaths continue to rise at not only The Grand National but at other events. So many lives claimed in such a cruel and painful sport. Please watch this revealing video on the truth about racing and just how dangerous it is - warning it is extremely shocking and upsetting

Please sign this petition to urge people into action. The grand national and other events need to made safer for both horse and jockey or banned altogether. Thank you.

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