Apology for Abuses at US Indian Schools

The White Buffalo Prophecy tells of a time when a white buffalo calf would be born, and that birth would signal a time of Great Healing for All Nations. That white buffalo calf - the first of many -  was born in Janesville, Wisconsin in 1994. Her name was Miracle.

It is in the spirit of the White Bison Prophecy, that we call upon all peoples to join us in signing this petition supporting a US apology and healing for the widespread abuse of Native American children at the nearly 500 schools funded by the US government to assimilate Native American people.

There is a growing body of evidence that the trauma Native American children carried home with them from the schools is an underlying cause of the suicides and substance abuse-related deaths that are killing young Native people today in alarming numbers.

 The vision is to promote awareness, dialogue and forgiveness for what happened at the schools so that we can collectively heal from this tragic chapter in United States history.

This petition calls upon the President of the United States to issue a formal apology for what the US government allowed to happen to Native American children at the schools and for the intergenerational trauma that is still negatively affecting Native individuals, families  & communities to this day.

White Bison, Inc., is a non-profit organization that for the last 20 years has provided culturally-relevant assistance and resources to Native American communities in healing (http://www.whitebison.org/)

Dear Mr. President,

We, the undersigned, call upon you to formally apologize on behalf of the US Federal Government and the People of this Great Nation for the widespread abuse of Native American children at the nearly 500 schools funded by the US government to assimilate Native American people.

There is a growing body of evidence that the traumas experienced by Native American children at the schools is largely responsible for the alarming levels of suicides, substance abuse, domestic violence and child sexual abuse in Native American communities today.

We ask you to join the leaders of Canada and Australia by apologizing to First Nations people here for what was allowed to happen to children at the schools, and for the scars of hurt and pain that it left on generations of Native American people.

We seek this apology not to go after monetary reparations from the government, but to promote a collective healing of all Americans for this tragic chapter in our nation's history.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.
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