$4.8 billion cut to the California state's public schools

  • av: Laure P Carnahan
  • mottagare: U.S. House of Representatives, California State Assembly, California State Senate and US Senate
Governor Schwarzenegger proposed a suspension of the minimum school funding guarantee, Prop 98. That funding currently constitutes more than 70 percent of total K-12 funding in the state.

Such suspension equals a $4.8 billion cut to the California state's public schools.

Quality education is the most valuable asset for present and future generations. Achieving it requires a strong commitment from everyone, including governments, teachers, parents, community and students themselves.

Prop 98 is a good thing for schools because it makes sure we have increases in funding.  I am in support of keeping Prop 98.
Schools are too valuable! Education is too valuable for the future of the state and the country.

Prop 98 is a good thing for schools because it makes sure we have increases in funding. 

Please make sure to be in support of keeping Prop 98!
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