Innocent until proven guilty! 10 days left to stop the Belarussian executions.

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Last April 11th, an explosion tore through a Minsk subway, killing 14 people and injuring over 200. Two Belarussians, Dzmitry Kanavalau and Uladzislau Kavalyou, were convicted for the terrorist act and are slated for execution in just two weeks, on November 30th.

Many Belarussians believe the two men were subject to an unfair, sensational trial bereft of hard evidence of their guilt. These pending executions are a violation of their human rights, a stain on justice system of Belarus and an outrage to people all over the world.

Please sign this petition and ask your friends to join us in demanding that the executions of Kanavalau and Kavalyou be halted immediately.
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