• av: Advocate for Saving Dogs
  • mottagare: Minister for Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson & County Administrative Board in Sweden, Carina Frohm Trout Road 19 74592 Enköping
FRIENDS! Please, in Sweden we need help with signatures due to a woman
who is convicted of cruelty to animals that received lifetime ban on
ever owning an animal is more in Norway, just moved across the border%u2026
to Sweden to this, she has no prohibition on which it is a different
country! We want to see a collaboration between the countries so no more
animals are harmed in her power! We will then give the petition to our
government. end Quote.

Please, your name is required!

She has shot and killed a lot of dogs, we found 13 dead puppies in her freezer and had an
abortion on a female dog and she is no vetrinary. She cut up the dog%u2019s
stomach without anesthetic! Do share with you for all your friends and
do not forget to %u201Capprove%u201D era registration of the name using your
e-mail! Thank you very much!

Every name counts! We want to chock the gouverment and forse them to change the law! They say that she has to "do something wrong in Sweden before they can judge her here, when she just cross the boarded and was forbbiden in Norway to every own a dog again!! SO SHE HAS TO KILL ANOTHER DOG BEFORE THEY CAN ACT? :(

We require djurförbud for convicted Norwegian.

To: carina Frohm Trout Road 19 74592 Enköping

To the Minister for Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson & County Administrative Board in Sweden

We demand that The Norwegian Aud Stokman who djurförbud for life in Norway also may djurförbud in Sweden.
It can not be right to get a decision in a country and then move a few mil to another and continue their activities.
AS is suspended from the Swedish Kennekklubben and therefore can not register dogs, puppies, compete or exhibit.

AS received after a notable ruling in Norway lifetime djurförbud on owning a dog-care throughout the country. To get one of those judgments will be very serious neglect.
She had kennel and bred Caucasian Owcharka, Briard, Dobbermann and Miniature Pinscher.
As currently live on a farm in Jämtland. Where is she starting a new business with dogs.
She advertises in various sales sites for the falcon's name and her answer even the ads under false names. Which according to Swedish law is illegal and therefore a criminal act.
Looking at the sentence she received in Norway where it was held that she shot and killed dogs, grossly neglected them, did not provide them veterinary care, puppies thrown into the wall and had 15 dead puppies in the freezer. So do not think we are that she is aware of how to care for animals.
We do not see her start up a business here in Sweden. We protect the animals. You must stop this madness now!

Yours sincerely


This petition was launched March 2, 2011
 we want to see AS get djurförbud throughout Sweden
The collection will end April 15, 2011

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