Stop the Mass-Killing of Romanian Dogs

On the 25th September 2013, the Constitutional Court authorized the mass killing of Romania's stray dogs.

Under this new law, dogs will be kept in detention for 14 days in overcrowded dog shelters, and then killed if they are not claimed or adopted. This means that tens of thousands of dogs will be killed in the coming weeks.

History shows us that mass killing is not the solution. Stray and roaming dog populations can be managed in ways that are both effective and humane.

Help us stop the senseless killing of healthy dogs today. Urge the Romanian Prime Minister to suspend this cruel law immediately.
Your Excellency,

I am writing to you to support the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) appeal to the Romanian government to suspend the application of the unacceptable, cruel and inevitably ineffective law approved in September 2013.

The Romanian Government should immediately open a dialogue with WSPA and other animal welfare NGOs to deploy a proper implementation plan of the 2008 law, which aimed to tackle dog overpopulation through the use of humane methods instead of senselessly killing healthy animals.

Stray and roaming dog populations can be managed in ways that are both effective and humane. WSPA can offer evidence of that through several years of work around the world to promote responsible pet ownership and effective population management programs.

[Your comments here]

I request that you suspend the implementation of the new law that allows the killing of dogs, and instead meet with WSPA and other welfare organizations to define an effective strategy to tackle the current challenges you are facing.

Kind regards,
[Your name here]
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