Don't we have the right to have our tuition paid by funding set aside for that, regardless of whether or not we have earned scholarships, and or other Grant's

    I received notice that the trustees decided that they would not pay tuition because I was eligible for Financial Aid, specifically the pell grant which is about $6000 a year, and additional $1500 for the summer of you qualify and are full time.
    I don't think they should have the option to pay, or not to pay dependent on other grants or scholarships.
    I understand this as if I don't need the money for tuition, they will pay it. But if I need the money because financially I am not yet sound (hence the need for further education), then they can decide not to pay. Raising this question goes further and raises the question about what supplies they will be covering, and what supplies will they not cover when we get Financial Aid?
    I am asking for the original documents and where it reads they can decide to not pay, due to other resources.
    I am also asking for those that have an interest in the future of the trust, to be involved & find out what rights we have as beneficiaries and what payments for our education expenses do we have the right to, if any. And at what point when we disagree can we gather and be heard by members of the trust & family.
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