Your tax dollars could be used to pay for an ill-conceived aerial wolf cull in Northeastern Idaho -- an unscientific plan to boost game populations that could kill as many as two thirds of the wolves in the Lolo District of the Clearwater National Forest.
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund is calling on President Obama and his administration to deny Idaho's request to have federal agents carry out aerial wolf killing in Idaho. Will you join us?
Take action today: Urge President Obama to direct Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to deny Idaho's request for federal resources to carry out the Lolo aerial wolf cull.
Dear President Obama,
As a conservationist and a supporter of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, I strongly urge you to direct U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to deny Idaho's request for federal resources to carry out an unscientific aerial wolf cull in the Lolo District of the Clearwater National Forest in Idaho.
[Your comment will be added here]The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has requested federal helicopters and staff to kill as many as two thirds of the wolves in this wild part of Northeastern Idaho, and I don't want my tax dollars being used to support such an ill-conceived plan.
The stated reason for the wolf-killing plan is that some believe that wolves are reducing elk numbers.
But elk numbers began decreasing in the area long before wolves made their way there, as suitable elk habitat in the area declined.
I ask that your Administration practice science-based wolf management, and not capitulate to the misguided fears of anti-wolf extremists. Please prevent the planned aerial killing of wolves in the Lolo area near the Clearwater National Forest in Idaho.
As a taxpayer, I do not want federal resources used to kill wolves on federal lands simply for pursuing their natural prey -- elk.
Thank you for considering my comments.
[Your Name]