Please look at this link, but beware that it is disturbing:
The blogger explains in detail how to perform DIY surgery on cats AT HOME, WITHOUT ANAESTHESIA !!!!!!!!!!
This individual is sick. He must be found, persecuted, prevented from ever coming into contact with animals and the link must be removed. I cannot imagine how many people may want to try to do this to a cat just to save some money. Please, please, please sing this petition and share it.
The blogger's comments:
"If you are thinking of having your cat spayed, just follow this easy to follow step by step guide and save $$$$$ on unnecessary vet fees."
"Firstly secure the legs of the cat by tying them with shoelaces. This avoids any mess if she tries to struggle. Don'T bother with expensive anaesthetics, your cat is tougher that you think, she can take it."
Atualização #410 anos atrás
Thank you to all who have signed, we still need some more signatures to reach 15,000. Please share with friends.
Unfortunately, all the animal charities I have contacted, the web-host, as well as Interpol, have not responded to any of my emails. I have asked my vet to look at the link and help me prepare a more "medically" worded letter to email to all concerned. Will keep you posted.
Atualização #310 anos atrás
Thank you to all who have singed and shared this petition, please keep sharing it. As advised by WAP, today I’ve emailed a number of animal welfare organisations based in China, unfortunately some emails have bounced back, though others successfully reached the recipients. The email I sent, again requests that the link be taken down, and for the blogger to be found, fined and prevented from ever owning or coming into contact with animals ever again. I will keep you posted.
Atualização #210 anos atrás
This is a message to those few who have signed this petition and think the "individual" (please note the brackets, as other, more appropriate names come to mind, but none which I should use in the petition) loves his cat, THIS is NOT love, this IS outright CRUELTY and is teaching and inciting others to torture animals.
Atualização #110 anos atrás
FEB 3, 2nd UPDATE: Replies front two Chinese Animal welfare organisations:
"Thank you for your concern for the cat. This appears to be a home-visit spay performed by a vet, with the cat under anaesthetic, I believe the way it presented is meant to be funny."
"That happened in 2011 and the guy is a British born Chinese living now in Shanghai. I think he should have a British passport. Obviously the cat was under anaesthesia from the photo. Currently in China, there is no law against such an act."