UPDATE: 5-25-24 We have just had the 3rd Saving Our Wild Horses and Wildlife Conference. Check out the reccomendations we created at the Conference and please sign and share. https://www.saveourwildhorsesandwildlife.org
We are asking Secretary of the Department of Interior Deb Haaland and Director of the Bureau of Land Management Tracy Stone-Manning to meet with wild horse advocates. They have ignored all efforts by Citizen advocates to meet.
Help Save our Wild Horses from horrible round ups, deaths and a life time in holding pens.
These are our wild Horses on our public lands and we want a voice in this process and humane management.
Our Conference Link
For more information on this issues Wild Horse Education
Our wild horses are being rounded up and their population decimated on our public lands by a government agency who was appointed to protect them. Time and time again this agency has caved to special interests, destroying our public lands with mining, privately owned livestock, gas and oil.
Our wild horses are chased for miles with helicopters; many horses are breaking their legs during the chase, and many others are shot and killed for not being considered a perfect horse. Once rounded up the wild horse family bands are separated, with stallions shipped to one holding facility and mares & foals shipped to another. They call out to each other while the livestock trailers they are forced into drive off in different directions.
Most of our captured wild horses live out their lives in holding pens and feedlots with no room to run. The government does not consider 100,000 acres suitable for 500 horses, but they will put 4000 horses on 100 acres in pens.
The government says there are too many wild horses. Yet when the Wild and Free-Roaming Horse & Burro Act of 1971 was signed, they considered 26,000 to be too few horses.
We are asking Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and Director of the Bureau of Land Management Tracy Stone-Manning to meet with wild horse advocates during the Save Our Wild Horses DC Conference and Assembly in April. Both the Secretary and the Director have ignored all efforts by advocates to sit down and have real conversations about the issues facing our public lands, wildlife, and wild horses in the American west. To this date they have only met with large corporate and ranching interests.
Please help us be signing this petition asking both of them to meet with the advocates who only want what is best for our wild horses and public lands.
Atualização #59 meses atrás
We're excited to share that the 3rd Saving Our Wild Horse Conference was a success! However, we're still waiting for the BLM to meet with us to present recommendations from our experts and attendees.
You can check out the latest conference info here: https://www.saveourwildhorsesandwildlife.org. Links to our expert speakers' presentations and more..
We are fundraising to support litigation to stop abuse and the round ups. For info and to donate visit. https://wildhorseeducation.org
Thank you!
Atualização #41 anos atrás
We are once again asking them to meet with us at out 2nd Save Our Wild Horse Conference. The cattle industry is in town and she is going to take with them so want her to also meet with us.
So again will put all your names to work for our wild horses and public lands.
Atualização #32 anos atrás
We are now going to meet with congress and if you would please sign this petition it would help save more horses
To follow us and be more involved check us out at Saveourwildhorses.net. We are getting ready to do a Rally, Conference and a lobby day April 22-26 2023. join us to stop the abuse
Atualização #22 anos atrás
Yesterday April 12th, We Delivered the Petitions to the Department of Interior. Thank you to all who signed. I am working on the other info to get them to attend but the petition did help.
Please follow us and join us at SaveOurWildHorses.Net
Atualização #12 anos atrás
We want to invite everyone to the Save Our Wild horse Week 4-26 to 4-30 2022 in Washington D.C.
The conference is where we are asking both Manning and Haaland to come and listen to our experts.
If unable to attend in person please join us by donating. We are fundraising to help covers expenses. No amount is to small.
If we have any money left over it will be donated to a wild horse cause.