Justice for the Dotts – Parole Protest for December 2024, PLEASE DENY PAROLE for double murderer David Leon Scarbrough

Justice for the Dotts – Parole Protest for December 2024

PLEASE DENY PAROLE for double murderer David Leon Scarbrough

February 4, 1995, was the worst day of my life.

That Saturday afternoon was the day my husband found my parents bullet ridden bodies in their home. They had been brutally murdered by armed intruders when they came home from going out to dinner and surprised David Leon Scarbrough and Thomas Gagne Jr, while Harley Lonnie Watts was the look out.

The worst day of my life has turned into almost 30 years of a never-ending nightmare that is the Criminal Justice System for those who have had their loved ones ripped from their lives and their families shattered by violent crime and criminals - like DAVID LEON SCARBROUGH.

On February 3, 1995, David Scarbrough and Thomas Paul Gagne Jr. broke into my parents' home while their 13-year-old accomplice, Harley Watts, was the lookout.

When my parents came home from going out to dinner, Scarbrough and Gagne emptied a 9mm gun into my parents. Including a point-blank shot to my mom's forehead. They even took my dad's wallet out of his pants pocket after they shot him, while he was dying.

During David Scarbrough's double murder trial more information came out about his criminal history. He testified that he began using and selling drugs and stealing cars while in middle school. A few weeks before he turned 19, he became a murderer.

While Scarbrough has been in prison he has been flunked numerous drug tests, been caught with drugs, selling drugs, and drug paraphernalia, stealing, refusing direct orders and more.

Something that should be noted, ALL three of the killers testified that they had been driving around my parents' neighborhood that night ringing doorbells trying to find a house where no one was home. My mom and dad left lights on in the house whenever they were gone, and their big beautiful 84 pound, very noisy collie, HoneyBare was in the house.

Scarbrough and Gagne went to the back of the house and smashed out a window to break in and rob my parents' home. My mom and dad surprised them when they got home from going out to dinner.

THIS WAS WILLFUL DELIBERATE MURDER. This was thought out and planned ahead of time. Despite Scarbrough's claims - my parents' murders were NOT AN ACCIDENT. It was HIS DECISION AND HIS CHOICE.

Please help us keep a killer in prison by signing the petition and leaving a comment as to why you are signing the petition if you would like.

Thank you for your compassion and support.

Jeanne Dotts Brykalski
Robert Brykalski

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