If a police dog is to be considered a police officer, then a family dog should be considered a family member!

  • por: Daniel -
  • destinatário: Rick Scott Donald Trump
If a policeman shakes his dog on you and you have done nothing and you tried to defend yourself against the police dog, you are charged with battery on a police officer.
Not only is this cruelty to animals to put the animal in this predicament, but police rely on The Barking of these dogs to establish a fake probable cause for the purpose of violating people's rights and interrupting their lives.
So if a policeman comes into somebody's yard or house and a family dog finds the officer to be threatening, or the officer is afraid of the dog and the officer shoots the dog, the officer is not accountable for any damages or any criminal charges for killing someone's friend for life and living thing they consider a member of the family.
This is bias Prejudice and unfair and I think police should suffer criminal charges for doing this.
If an officer chooses to endanger his own safety by entering someone's yard or dwelling and then shoots a family dog, that officers should suffer the same consequences that they charge other individuals with.
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