Save The Harpeth River, and the law protecting other Tennessee Senic Rivers.
Dear Sen. Haynes and other elected officials.
I strongly oppose SB 3663 and HB 3492, and feel that passage of these bills would do detrimental and irreversible harm to the Harpeth River, and others in the Future.
What we need in Tennessee are legislators who would protect� our rivers and environment, not one who would make an exception to the state Scenic Rivers Act, for reasons�I do not even understand.
The Future of one of our states most Scenic rivers, The Harpeth, is at stake with this proposed landfill.The law states that a landfill cannot be more than 2 miles of a scenic river, yet this landfill would be only 500 feet away. And you support makeing an exception to the law in this instance.Why?
By making an exception here, it would open the door for more exceptions along the way, allowing potentially more pollution and more ecosystem damage. While I understand the concern of the abandoned rock quarry,you must not jeprodize the rivers beauty.
I do not buy into the argument that the chances of seepage and runoff are nil. The location is simply too close to guarentee that.
Remember,We all live downstream.