She Dropped Her Dog Off for a Quick Bath at the Groomer's. Instead, Her Dog Died from Unexplained Injuries.

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: New York authorities
On a seemingly ordinary day, a 65-year-old woman entrusted her beloved cocker spaniel, Reba, to a dog groomer in Brooklyn, New York. What should have been a routine bath turned into a horrific nightmare when the groomer used Reba's collar as a noose, leading to her death.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

The pet parent, a retired teacher and devoted dog owner, dropped off her 6-year-old companion for a quick and simple grooming appointment. After waiting hours longer than was normal, and with the groomer avoiding her communications, she arrived at the shop to discover a horrifying scene.

Reba was in a crate, gasping for air, with a collar so tightly pulled around her neck that her eyes had rolled back in her sockets, and her owner could barely fit any fingers between the collar and her dog's skin. Despite rushing Reba to a veterinary hospital, she succumbed to her injuries inflicted by the groomer's carelessness.

And this isn't the first time the dog groomer in question has been linked to a pet's death. In fact, he was arrested back in 2007 on animal cruelty charges due to allegedly abusing a Burmese cat. Yet somehow he was still able to open up a pet grooming business and have access to more pets.

Sign this petition to demand that authorities shut down this pet grooming salon! Someone with a history of abuse has no business being around animals.
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