demand a end too killing animals every single day at manhattan and brookly and also staten island an

  • por: beverly hiller
  • destinatário: head of this establishment that kills animals every day at animal control centers in new york city who ever is in charge that is
innocent cats brought in and dogs from people that does not know or understand with these animal control centers their every one is killing animals regularly every single day and night their with no hopes it seems of rescue coming too help and their rules for adopting animals is outragious it is but kill them anyway they are also killing animals which were pulled safe and had donations as well say it is computer error which they do not correct or get rid of killing animals that could have would have been saved is a crime and terrible they do not give animals no chance of getting adopted and the animals some brought in their with blood or cuts or a cough which medication would correct or allergys from people that could not have them which is not the animals fault are punished and they are picked up and poked at and scare them frighten them too death and say no children be around why they are dying seen it is so outragious it is because they kids mishandle them and hurt them and pick on them making them scared frightened of getting hurt and can't be around kids because of that factor it is not the animals fault it is the peoples fault for allowing their kids too be around them but they do not get punished or corrected for the problem the animals must die becaue they judge their say things they donot know what they are saying or doing do no tunderstand for some reason and the one in charge the lady loves too kill wants too kill for profit which something is terrible wrong with her and must be fired or let go she is in favor of the animals dying and we all know it a hitler2 nazi war camp recipilant she is terrible and rotten this place has got to turn too no kill or get closed down forever and changes must occur and stop the innocent killings every singe day and killing pregnant cats and dogs and also babys kittens coming in is cruel and it just is terrible inhumane treatment which those animals should never be killed but saved to continue life this place is very bad manhattan but also is brooklyn that comes in after we should have petitions and stand firm people too protest outside these places too stop the killings and have laws people behind us that will change ways and things and change the way they do things in these places and be more for the animals and their welfare laws must be passed or something we must go too congress or legislature or who ever is above mayor that cn make the difference and change this killing things has got to change or something is going to happen too these places and people and will not like it i know this must not continue and continue and nothing too be done too stop it and if people cannot get their jobs straight by doing right things such as animals that are pulled out donations given to save and rescue coming too get them and still say by mistake was euthenized something then is not being done right and they are not doing their jobs as they should and be left go or fired and not paid but these peopel are getting pay checks weekly for what killing animals what wrong is that tell me ? sign people sign we must get so many signatures too do something about it and then person in charge of rescue whoever fights for them the most and post anyone that knows what too do next and get results done go ahead and do this lets sign and make a difference for the animals and speak up for them as they cannot speak up for themselves people they must be saved and rescued or given time no more killings every single day and mistakes their being done mustr stop sign sign people please we must do things too stop this somehow it is cruel inhumane and terrible it just is sign petitions lets start is why we must dothis ok ii am speaking up for all of us sick of it and want it to stop but for the animals we speak and will continue the fight alright till something is changed or closed down forever hopefully thats for sure and killing the animsls by injection their not diong it right and they feel pain and suffering do why in the hell can't they do it right and make it easy for them to go too sleep and not feel nothing if they wil continue to kill them untill something can be done or will too change this is the question i would love to know somuch in a hurry too get it over with and don't give a shit or care of how or what the animals went thru or felt they should find other jobs and give too people these positions that will care and feel and make it easy for them too pass on until someday this changes and will or be stopped all of these peopel should die ok pure and simple leave this earth and go too hell is how we felel ok must be stopped and willl be petition people sign
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