Proceed With Orca Sanctuary For Its Benefits to the Animals

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia

Orca whales are such beautiful and graceful animals that are often exploited for the pleasure of humans.  We all have to admit that we have seen them in the movies, zoos and places like an Oceanarium where they perform tricks for entertainment purposes. This is not a normal life for such a beautiful animal that should live in the ocean with its family.  This is where the Orca is the happiest in pods of predominantly family members.

Since many of these animals are in captivity for human entertainment while others are often discovered off-shore due to a type of injury, a new proposal is coming into play that would provide for a sanctuary specifically for the Orca.  The purpose is to house Orcas that cannot be released into the wild due to its human upbringing or provide for the injured that could be rehabilitated and possibly later released into its natural habitat.

This new sanctuary is in its very early stages and would be a safe haven for displaced or unhealthy Orcas. Read full report at This would be highly beneficial for this animal and has many pros as listed in the article, such as; the Orca would no longer need to be a form of entertainment for human pleasure, some of these animals would be good candidates that can eventually be rehabilitated and release and keeping those that cannot would be a good educational resource for those that want to learn all about this amazing animal.

These animals do not deserve to be held captive for the pleasure of the human entertainment world.  Our efforts in this petition is to encourage the further planning and proposal of this much needed, beneficial Orca sanctuary.  You can help in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  Do it in the name of all Orcas that are not living the free happy lives they deserve.

Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia – We strongly urge you to move forward in a more diligent manner with the proposal to build a sanctuary for Orcas.  Many of these animals are held in captivity for human entertainment for life, either raised by humans or taken away from their pods of family members.  It would be beneficial that you could provide a sanctuary similar to that of the Winter Dolphin sanctuary to help the captive and less fortunate Orcas.  The benefits of such a facility would mean the animals were never have to perform again, have young while in captivity, can often be rehabilitated for eventual release and be a source of education for the public to really learn about this amazing animal.  We need such a sanctuary to save the Orcas!!

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