Save Badgers from Slaughter

  • por:
  • destinatário: Prime Minister David Cameron
The badger is a protected species in the UK and Europe, but a new law recently proposed in England may allow farmers to shoot badgers wherever they feel their cattle are threatened by badger-carried tuberculosis. Despite no scientific evidence that indiscriminate badger killing is the best way to combat bovine TB, Parliament seems intent on legalizing the slaughter.

Killing a natural species in the name of agricultural profit is bad enough, but even science is on the badgers' side. A recent study shows that randomized badger culling does not decrease the frequency of bovine tuberculosis; in fact, in some cases, slaughtering badgers actually increased cattle TB infections by 20%.

Leaders of the United Kingdom must not put greed and shoddy science over the well-being of a protected species. Save badgers from this inhumane practice today!
I am writing to oppose the proposed plan to kill badgers in the UK in the name of bovine TB prevention. Over two-thirds of Britons currently disapprove of the plan, which is both potentially inhumane and scientifically unsound.

[Your comments here]

A recent study shows that randomized badger culling does not decrease the frequency of bovine tuberculosis; in fact, in some cases, slaughtering badgers actually increased cattle TB infections by 20%. Allowing farmers to indiscriminately shoot badgers is a shoddy solution with questionable long-term effects.

I urge you to avoid prioritizing short-term, reactionary measures over the well-being of one of the UK's protected species. Please stop the badger culling plan.
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