Demand that the USDA replace the animal welfare reports ,enforcement records, and its other information about the treatment of animals on it's website.

  • por: Cynthia Reznick
  • destinatário: Michael Young; Acting Secretary of the Department of Agriculture

Demand that th USDA puts animal welfare before the welfare of animal abusers and animal rights violators.In an outrageous move, the USDA has removed animal welfare reports, enforcement records and other information from it's online data base. This is unacceptable and we demand that it be replaced.Without easy access to this information for advocacy groups, the welfare of animals is severely compromised as access to this information is necessary to monitor abuses and enforce laws. Abusers have now been given a place to hide. Restore easy access to this information now! This removal means protection for violaters and no protection for the animals, We will not accept this!

To Michael Young: Acting Secretary of the USDA

The removal of online reports and information related to Animal Welfare from your website is unacceptable. These actions show the USDA to be more concerned with the protection of abusers and the privacy of violators to be more important than the welfare of the very animals you are supposed to protect. We are demanding that this information be replaced and public access to this information be restored, immediately!

Atualização #27 anos atrás
I will deliver this petition once I receive 500 signings. In addition, this document will need to be printed and delivered as the USDA animal welfare division's contact is a Mail stop only. No e-mail address.
Atualização #18 anos atrás then go to AWA Inspection and Annual Reports; follow this link for a full update from this site. It was too lengthy to post here. However, If you scroll to the bottom you can see that a Freedom of Informaction Act request submission is still required.
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