Former Monmouth SPCA Volunteer Sentenced to Probation After More Than 300 Dead Animals Found in Home

An Ocean Twp woman who had volunteered with the Monmouth SPCA was sentenced to probation after authorities found over 300 dead animals in her home.
Please sign this petition to get Gretchen Rell, 56, now of Unami Avenue in the Wanamassa section of Ocean Township a harsher sentence for neglecting & killing these helpless animals. Also please sign this petition to get Monmouth County SPCA charged with animal cruelty for letting it happen!
Full Article:

An Ocean Twp woman who had volunteered with the Monmouth SPCA was sentenced to probation after authorities found over 300 dead animals in her home. Please sign this petition to get Gretchen Rell, 56, now of Unami Avenue in the Wanamassa section of Ocean Township a harsher sentence for neglecting & killing these helpless animals. Also please sign this petition to get Monmouth County SPCA charged with animal cruelty for letting it happen! Full Article:

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