As we all know the American Constitution was put in place to protect our God given rights. The first Amendment grants and protects our freedom of religion. And the fourth Amendment protects us from unwanted government intrusions into our home. There is one group of people whom are exempt from the law and will violate your Constitutional rights. They are paid by your very own government. No one is protected from these people as false accusations of child abuse are on the rise, they will one day show up at your door and walk out with your children with the help of local law enforcement. They are the Department of Social Services. It is every parent's worst nightmare- to loose your child, not know where they are or who they are with. Once again it doesn't matter who you are or where you live they have the right to do this to anyone even suspected of "child abuse" by an anonymous phone call.
These people are very busy, overworked, and very often this causes them to not get their facts right. This in combination with the fact that they are never monitored or restricted and are granted immunity to lawsuits makes them very dangerous! This often allows them to actually walk all over judges in the court rooms. They believe they are immune to all laws including breaking their own rules and denying you your Constitutional rights.The Department of Social Services has many horror stories of how they have taken away people's rights and falsely accused the innocent. Some of these include taking away rights to religious freedom, privacy from government intrusion into the home, and even your right to bear arms!
Child abuse and neglect are very horrible crimes. I know this because I myself was abused. Now my son who was removed from my home under complaint that I "worship the devil" is now in the custody of the same foster parents who abused me! He was " placed" there by the Department of Social Services.
There is no denying it, the system is in great need of reform. I sud jest that the decision to remove a child from the home of their parents' or to enter someone's home uninvited should be left up to a judge in a courtroom. Not to an overworked paranoid " Social worker" . I am sud jesting that stricter rules be in place on the conditions that not only allow them to remove children from their homes but also on the conditions that "social workers" are allowed to enter your home, and invade your privacy!! (Example: how they go through all records even old elementary school notes! ) There should be more restrictions on the documents that they may obtain about anyone! They should have to produce more proof of truthful and not truthful statements made by people whom the families may not even know. It is simply UN-American to take a child from their parents for any amount of time or any reason other than life threatening circumstances!
This is every parent's worst nightmare. Please don't let this happen to you or your neighbors. Know whats going on before they make it to your door step. Make an effort to alert your government that you want stricter rules in place to protect you and your family. Listen to the nightmare stories and learn from them. This will happen to you one day if you have kids. Start protecting yourself now by signing this to show you want protection from the Department of Social Services.