Make Sure Pharmacies Supply Plan B!

This month marks the one-year anniversary of the Bush administration's long overdue approval of Plan B® - also known as emergency contraception - for over-the-counter sales to adults.

Despite this victory, there are still pharmacies that refuse to stock Plan B and pharmacists who refuse to dispense it.

Just a few months ago, a Kroger Co. pharmacist in Georgia sent 42-year-old college professor and mother of two Carrie Baker away empty-handed when she tried to purchase Plan B®. The Kroger Co. is one of the nation's largest grocery and pharmacy retailers, operating more than 1,921 stores - like Ralphs, Dillons, Fred Meyer, and Smith's - in 31 states across the country.

The Kroger Co. has published conflicting statements on its Plan B® stocking and refusal policy. What's more, NARAL Pro-Choice America volunteer efforts showed that more than one in five local Kroger Co. pharmacies contacted don't stock Plan B®.

Pharmacists should never prevent any woman from accessing safe, legal emergency contraception. Sign this petition and your letter will be hand-delivered to the Kroger Co. urging them to stock Plan B®!

Dear [Kroger Co. CEO],

I urge the Kroger Co. to make public a consistent, written, corporate-wide policy ensuring that all its pharmacies stock the emergency contraceptive Plan B and provide the medication over the counter to customers ages 18 and older on site without judgment or delay.

If an individual pharmacist refuses to provide Plan B or other birth control based on personal beliefs, the corporation must ensure that women receive their medication from another employee at that same pharmacy.

Given the time sensitivity of this medication, women shouldn't face obstacles at the pharmacy counter.

As one of the nation's largest retail pharmacies, the Kroger Co. has an obligation not only to stock Plan B, but also to provide it to women without intimidation, humiliation, or harassment.

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