Petition To Halt Baited Wolf Hunt

  • por: Robbi Drake
  • destinatário: Greg Dussome, Owner High Ridge Outfitters, High Ridge Outfitters
High Ridge Outfitters offer you the chance to kill a timber wolf, which is used not for sustaining life, or self protection, but merely for the right to say you have taken a life.
Dear Mr and Mrs Dussome, we, the undersigned feel that the chance to kill a wolf, which is taken from a blind, using bait, is neither sport, nor is it acceptable.
The wolf is not used to sustain life, nor taken in self protection, making the actionvery simply, unacceptable.
Those of us who are Native American, as well as those who are not, hunter and non hunter alike feel that this kind of hunting is reprehensible, and should not be offered.
When in fact an animal is taken for food, it becomes somewhat understandable.
When taken simply to give us the right to brag, it is an action that noone condones or understands.
We would ask that you reconsider your stance on offering this type of hunt
Thank you for your consideration of our stand on killing baited wolves.
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