Stop Sexual Assaults on Veterans

  • por:
  • destinatário: Committee on Veterans' Affairs Chairman Jeff Miller
The last concern a female veteran should have at a VA facility should be the fear of sexual assault. But according to a report by the Government Accountability Office, over 300 veterans have suffered sexual violence while seeking treatment at VA facilities throughout the country.

In the GAO's recently released review, it reported staggeringly high rates of sexual assaults at VA facilities around the country--over two-thirds of which were deliberately not reported to the Office of the Inspector General. These brutalities included anything from outright rape to "forceful medical examinations."

When the GAO continued its inquiry, it found that many facilities lacked legally required security, such as locks on bathroom doors or closed-circuitry television.

Veterans, who have fought bravely for the armed services, merit exemplary care. Tell the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs that reforms must be made to VA facilities to prevent travesties like these in the future.
Dear Chairman Representative Jeff Miller,

I am writing to express my outrage with the recent report by the Government Accountability Office concerning the disturbingly high number of unreported sexual assault cases at VA facilities. By the GAO's account, the majority of preventative measures against these assaults were lacking in VA facilities.

[Your comments here]

Veterans who seek help from VA facilities deserve security and excellent care, not the threat of sexual violence. I urge you and the rest of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs to take firm and immediate action on VA facility reform.


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