Be a Responsible Owner, Spay or Neuter Your Pet Before Kitten/Puppy Season!

Pet overpopulation is a serious issue, leading to overcrowded shelters, and sadly, unnecessary euthanasia.

Last year, about 30,000 dogs and cats were euthanized in Colorado alone, according to the Colorado Pet Overpopulation Fund. The best, most surefire way to help stop this from happening is by making sure to spay or neuter your pet.

Spaying and neutering is not just a part of responsible pet care, it saves cats and dogs from suffering cruel fates like being abandoned, becoming homeless, and eventually being put to death.

Don't subject cats and dogs to a homeless life or untimely deaths! Pledge to spay or neuter your pet (or help spread the word!) to prevent this from happening. Share this pledge with your Colorado friends, so we can make our state better for animals!
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