tell Burger King that their new commercial advertising Grilled Dogs is disgusting in light of the Yulin festival

  • por: Brandi Bickford
  • destinatário: CEO of Burger King and their advertising agency

Just this week, days away from the horrendous Yulin festival, Burger King launched a new advertisement campaign, "Grilled Dog". So they have added hotdogs, which are not made from companion animals to their menu. Fine. But the advertisement loudly proclaims over and over eat a GRILLED DOG!!! This is disgusting, what were they not thinking. Boycott them until they remove the slogan from the air and apologize and donate at least 100,000 dollars to the International Humane Society to rescue dogs from Yulin. Yeah at least that much.

Mr Daniel Schwartz and Mr. Azel Schwan, 

The petition was started at apprx. 11PM on 6-7. As you can see as of noon on 6-10 there are almost 1,000 signatures. That is 1,000 boycotts and each of those people telling more people, which is about 6,000 people per day. Can you afford this? Or will you pull the advertisement and apologize!! And then make a donation to stop Yulin!!!  By the way I just reminded everyone of your 2013 and 2014 scandal when you were found to have horse meat in your all beef Whopper. So know we want to know what is in your "Grilled Dog" ???? And yeah we will find out.

Atualização #28 anos atrás
The petition is being mailed today to both Daniel S. Schwartz; CEO, and to Azel Schwan, global chief marketing officer. I will continue the petition and mail it every Friday until the commercial is removed. Burger King Headquarters 5500 Blue lagoon Dr. Miami, FL 33126. Phone 1--866-394-2493. I have in researching them also found that they, after 2 weeks of denial, were caught using horse meat in their " all beef Whoppers", in both 2013 and 2014 So what is in their "Grilled Dogs"???
Atualização #18 anos atrás
First of all my heartfelt thanks to each or you. I am overwhelmed, almost 300 signatures in 12 hours!
I emailed my issue to Burger King last night, please visit their website and tell them how you feel. This morning as soon as customer service opened I called and spoke with Keisha, I asked that the call be recorded and elucidated the issue as written here. She said that she would forward this to management. I await their response. The phone number is 1-866-394 2493, option 3.
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