Julia Guilard, put your money where your mouth is & really help kids with disabilities,SAVE THE TIME

  • por: Margaret Pyne
  • destinatário: Australian prime minister (julia Guilard), Queensland Premier (Campbell Newman)

Time Out & the out reach programme has run extremely well , passing all assessments under both gov & griffith uni, but funding cuts have already closed Brisbanes & now Cairns regional has had out reach, a service that has trained case managers visiting & assisting teenagers aged 14-25 deal with depression & all mental health conditions, The time out house in Cairns is fully staffed 24hr with 4 residents to help them live a meaningful life. It has saved many lifes, my daughter is one of them. It costs $700 a day if a teenager has to be admitted through casualty in a emergency,with usually no trained staff available after hours, it is only $350-$400 a day to have young adult/teenager to be in time out & have 24hr assistance, it was supposed to be THE base plan for the future. WHAT FUTUR. in Brisbane there is now nothing, I know , please send a email to the prime minister and ask her to really prove she wants to help people with disabilities.

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