Petition for Change in Veterans Benefits and Care

  • por: Jim Davis
  • destinatário: Dianne Feinstein, Senator, U.S. Senate
As a concerned citizen, I believe the treatment and benefits earned and given to our Veterans is in crisis and should be of the highest priority in repairing, changing and correcting.

Veterans every day are being treated like second class citizens, denied benefits, given small award benefits, denied proper medical care or diagnosis.

I am calling on Congress and the President to:

  1. Congress to order the Veterans Administration & Commission accept Agent Orange as cause for illnesses in Vets from Korea, Thailand & Viet Nam without time limitations as they can manifest themselves as much as 30 plus years later. To include: ALL Veterans from Land, Sea and Air. (I.E.):
    1. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
    2. Cancers (all forms)
      1. Prostate Cancer
      2. Chloracne
      3. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
      4. Lymphoma
      5. Mycosis fungoides
      6. Lymphosarcoma
      7. Reticulum cell sarcoma
      8. Sternbergs sarcoma
      9. Porphyria cutanea tarda
      10. Respiratory cancers, including cancer of the
        1. Lung
        2. Bronchus
        3. Larynx
        4. Trachea
      11. Multiple myeloma Hodgkins disease
      12. Soft Tissue Sarcomas, including:
        1. Adult fibrosarcoma
        2. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
        3. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
        4. Liposarcoma
        5. Leiomyosarcoma
        6. Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma (malignant leiomyoblastoma)
        7. Rhabdomyosarcoma
        8. Ectomesenchymoma
        9. Angiosarcoma (hemangiosarcoma and lymphangiosarcoma)
        10. Proliferating (systemic) angioendo-theliomatosis
        11. Malignant glomus tumor
        12. Malignant hemangiopericytoma
        13. Synovial sarcoma (malignant synovioma)
        14. Malignant giant cell tumor of tendon sheath
        15. Malignant schwannoma
        16. malignant schwannoma w/rhabdomyoblastic differentiation
        17. Malignant mesenchymoma
        18. Malignant granular cell tumor
        19. Alveolar soft part sarcoma
        20. Epithelioid sarcoma
        21. Clear cell sarcoma of tendons and aponeuroses
        22. Extraskeletal Ewing?s sarcoma
        23. Congenital and infantile fibrosarcoma
        24. Malignant ganglioneuroma
        25. Osteosarcoma
        26. Chondrosarcoma
        27. Kaposis sarcoma
        28. mesothelioma
    3. Diabetes (all forms)
    4. Alzheimers
    5. Peripheral Neuropathy
  2. Congress to order the Veterans Administration to process claims for benefits for illness claims from these Veterans in a more timely manner.
    1. Recommended 7-14 days.
  3. Reduce appeals process time
    1. From 3 months up to 3 years down to maximum 45-days.
  4. Allow Vet the choice of hiring Civilian Legal Counsel
  5. Congress to Order that all VA claims be reviewed by doctors and not laymen, and that all civilian medical records be accepted regardless of doctor, emergency room, or hospital.
  6. Congress to order the Veterans Administration and Commission that ALL Veterans from any conflict or war should be treated at any VA Hospital in the world without charge, or consideration of that veterans financial abilities or records.
  7. Congress to Order the Veterans Administration to inform all Veterans of their rights, ability to file claims, and for what they immediately may qualify for.
    1. Prior to discharge or retirement
    2. Counsel spouse as well
  8. Congress to order the Veterans Administration to produce a clear, concise listing of all illnesses, and Presumptive Illnesses annually to be understood clearly by a layperson.
    1. Book to be available free of charge
    2. Book to be clearly accessible on the web site
  9. Congress to order that the Veterans Administration may NOT adjust benefits based on Social Security payments.
    1. Retirement & VA Benefits pay is just that retirement & VA Benefits pay which was earned.
    2. Social Security should not play a part in retirement pay or benefits pay.
    3. Adjustments to either or all pay is not done in civilian life why should the service pay be different?
    4. Widows/Widowers who are school teachers, railroad employees should be entitled to the same pay and benefits, they should not be singled out.
    5. This is NOT double dipping.
  10. Congress to order the Veterans Administration to re-evaluate all benefits and guidelines and increase them accordingly.
    1. Partial or Full Disabilities
    2. PTSD
    3. Death either in combat or due to combat related chemical contaminations.

    The following pages of signatures will attest that these are requests to our representatives and the President to "take care of our own".

    These men and women served our country and we should treat them the best we can.

    By making these few changes, are a beginning.

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