Urge Investigation of Animal Welfare Laws Regarding Emaciated Horses

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Bryan Bailey, Sheriff in Rankin County, Mississippi

Four emaciated horses were discovered and rescued in the Rankin County of Mississippi living in poor conditions. Because of their poor state, the horses are now undergoing medical examinations and treatments. The deputies who rescued the animals took them to the Rankin County Animal Shelter, where they are under the care of veterinarian Tai Curry of Mississippi Equine Sports Medicine.

Very little information was reported on where the horses were found, who reported them to authorities and who would be responsible for their neglectful, poor condition. While they are undergoing a full examination to determine the extent of their injuries, we are asking the sheriff’s office to launch a criminal investigation to determine if any of the state's animal welfare laws were broken and, if so, who should be charged.

You can help in gaining justice for these poor horses by signing and sharing this petition. We want to ensure that if there was any criminal neglect and abuse, the person(s) responsible be held accountable through a full investigation.

Bryan Bailey, Sheriff in Rankin County, Mississippi – We are urging you to launch a criminal investigation into the seizure of the four emaciated horses to determine if any of the state's animal welfare laws were broken and, if so, who should be charged. If this is a possible case of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect, it is imperative that you be a voice for these animals and do a full investigation that will bring them justice while they heal and move on to healthier forever homes.

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