Save Ark Animal Sanctuary in North Somercotes, Lincolnshire, UK

  • por: arthur tinker
  • destinatário: East Lindsey District Council: Councillor Craig Leyland - Leader of the Council - Tedder Hall - Manby Park - Louth - Lincolnshire - UK. LN11 8UP, United Kingdom

Demand ELDC rescind noise abatement order served on Ark Animal Sanctuary in North Somercotes, Lincolnshire, UK

The Ark Animal Rescue and Retirement Home has been resident in North Somercotes - Lincolnshire - UK for over 30 years with an unblemished record.

3 years ago people moved into a property near to The Ark and ever since they have been making complaint after complaint to the East Lindsey District Council - Tedder Hall - Manby Park - Louth - Lincolnshire - LN11 8UP regarding the sanctuary. The Ark has bent over backwards and spent much needed funds on noise reduction schemes but to no avail, the complainants are still not satisfied.

This has resulted in the council serving a noise abatement order on The Ark.

How do you tell a distressed dog not to bark or howl at times? I must also say that the road on which The Ark is situated is isolated and away from the main village and the only other residents nearby are about 5 or 6 small holdings. It is not as though there is no other noise because at the end of the road, Royal Air Force Donna Nook is situated, which controls the bombing range used by the United Kingdom Air Defence to practice on. When they are practicing you can hardly hear yourself think.

My main concern is the complainants want to get The Ark closed down so they can further their own hidden agenda. The noise abatement order is the first stepping stone to this.

This petition will be sent to the leader of the East Lindsey District Council. Sign now to demand he rescinds the noise abatement order served on The Ark and informs the complainants. If they do not like it - then move. The Ark has been established for over 30 years.

Atualização #26 anos atrás

Atualização #16 anos atrás
Dear signees,
Almost 13000 people have signed the petition to help keep the Ark afloat and I thank you for helping, but I am afraid it does not stop there. Legal fees are mounting and to stop this happening again we are thinking of relocating the rehoming kennels to the rear of the site away from the complainant, but this comes at a cost. I am asking all the signees if they can contribute towards further expenses by using the following site :
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