Abandoned puppy had a fractured jaw, broken ribs, and his chest and legs were caked in drool and dried blood. His jowls were also swollen and there was a foul smell coming from his mouth. Shelter staff say it appears the animal was abused more than once

According to officials, the puppy's jaw was broken on both sides and his ribs were fractured in at least seven locations. A good Samaritan brought the pup to MHHS on Monday, after they heard sounds of cries coming from the box in the cold. The Humane Society said he has plates on both sides of his jaw with seven screws on the right side and eight on the left to hold his little jaw together. MHHS set up a fund for Deniro's care. They're grateful for all the community has done already. Unfortunately, it won't be the pup's last battle.
"Those metal plates are going to have to be removed in a couple of months. That's another surgery," Bouck said, and he's continuing to grow so he's going to need ongoing dental support."
Officials said the pup, now named Deniro, can begin his healing process following his first surgery.
Detectives arrested Khadijah M. Davis, 34, of Troy, for her alleged role in injuring and abandoning the puppy on 02/24/22. On 4/5/22 a bench warrant was issued against Khadijah Davis for not going to court. Her attorney will notify the court on 5/5/22.
I'm asking everyone to make sure Deniro has justice. No more postponing this case! We are asking that Khadijah Davis be charged under the "Buster Law". Khadijah Davis is an animal abuser that caused "extreme physical pain" or acted in an "especially depraved or sadistic manner." It's time to enforce this law as we must "speak up" for innocent living animals that can't. It's time to send a message that animal abuse will not be tolerated. Of the 373 arrests under Buster's Law between Jan. 1, 2005, and Nov, 22, 2010, more than half of the defendants escaped without any conviction or infractions with penalties comparable to traffic tickets. We also feel that Khadijah Davis be liable for all expenses regarding Deniro.

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