Demand Justice for a Tiger that was Shot and Killed after Escaping From a Park

  • por: Georgina B.
  • destinatário: Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa

A tiger that escaped from a lion park in South Africa was shot and killed after it had been spotted basking in the sun on a farm, according to a report on

The tiger had escaped from its enclosure but was hunted down and shot, even though it was resting and had not harmed any animal.

The report stated the owner of the farm as saying: "He seemed quite relaxed. He could have run out and charged us if he wanted to, but he just lay down. He was not interested in the horses,” she said.

"After she called a friend who alerted the Lion Park owner Brian Boswell, owner of Brian Boswell’s circus, two men arrived armed with a shotgun.

“I assumed that they would bring a tranquilliser but they explained that only a vet could use a dart gun."

More could of been done to save this tiger! Will you join me in urging the South African Government to investigate the lion park owners who killed this tiger and to find out why a vet was not engaged to use tranquilliser?

Furthemore, the South African government should introduce tough legislation that outlines protocols to manage future incidents of a similar nature and increases penalties against those found guilty.

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