Save Money- Save Pennies!

People carelessly throw away pennies without thinking, because in today's society, they are regardled as worthless. If you collect all the pennies you find, you will find that you may actually have a lot of money. Ok, not a lot, but a fair amount all the same.

By signing this petition, you will promise not to throw away pennies and save money. And if you don't throw away pennies, sign this petition too, because we need everyone to see that no one really regards pennies as worthless.

You should also collect pennies as keepsakes. Maybe get a book so you can record the pennies you have and perserve them. Who knows? Pennies might be more valuable in years to come.

This doesn't just apply to pennies, but all currency throughout the world.

Thank you for your time and thank you for signing this petition.
People carelessly throw away pennies without thinking, because in today's society, they are regardled as worthless. If you collect all the pennies you find, you will find that you may actually have a lot of money. Ok, not a lot, but a fair amount all the same.

By signing this petition, you will promise not to throw away pennies and save money. And if you don't throw away pennies, sign this petition too, because we need everyone to see that no one really regards pennies as worthless.

You should also collect pennies as keepsakes. Maybe get a book so you can record the pennies you have and perserve them. Who knows? Pennies might be more valuable in years to come.

This doesn't just apply to pennies, but all currency throughout the world.

Thank you for your time and thank you for signing this petition.
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