Support Journalism That Defends Our Democracy

In the lead-up to the 2024 presidential elections, the corporate media are focused on sensationalist coverage, horse-race handicapping, and "both sides" false equivalencies. At a time when our nation is experiencing a crisis of democracy, the billionaire media that gave us Donald Trump are still failing the American people. What we need and deserve is news media and investigative journalism that is independent, searching, and fearless.

Our democracy demands a strong, robust press.

Founded by abolitionists in 1865, The Nation provides in-depth reporting that sheds light on topics that don't get mainstream attention. Special issues of the magazine range beyond the rapid-fire news cycle to explore big, complex questions in detail and with rigor and patience. And our exclusive investigative stories have launched official congressional inquiries and hearings.

Pledge your support for deeply reported, progressive, independent journalism.
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