Chief Charles Lee, Council members - Sabra McCullar, Vicki Lucas, Fred Woolfolk, Margaret Long, Gerr

  • por: marni montanez
  • destinatário: Please protect Shadrac's family and their dog Shadrac as is required by law and investigate and arrest those responsible for illegally harassing this family.


Shadrac is a catahoula bulldog. He lives with his family in the state of Georgia, in an area that doesn't violate any ordinances to own a pit bull breed.

Shortly after Shadrac joined the household, the family was visited by a police officer, who said a report had been made that the family owns a pit bull. The officer was told the family considered his behavior as harassment, and offered to show his vet papers and breed description.

The officer declined, saying he was only paying a visit out of concern for the neighborhood.

Shortly after this visit, the children in the family were verbally attacked while they were playing. Their mama was called fat, and the threat was made to shoot Shadrac. Police were alerted, and the same officer paid the family a visit. No report was made at this time either.

The family cat was then shot with a pellet gun, as was their senior dachshund. The little dog had her throat cut while on family property. The dog lived, and the family told a man to leave the dogs alone. Again, police wouldn't file a report.

The head of the family has saved animals for many years now. One of the cats saved wandered into a neighbors yard into a dogs enclosure. It was returned in a trash bag. The family has since rehomed all of their cats, since 8 have been killed over the past few years.

After the family spoke out on Fox 5 Atlanta about a dogfighting ring bust, Shadrac became the center of even more threats. The family was threatened that night while at a local store buying cat food. They reported the incident in another city, since reporting these things where they live has proved useless.

The family car was broken into in January, shortly after an intruder was heard on the property. The same officer warned them that people in the neighborhood were concerned. Still, nothing was done.

Recently, a car broke down on their street while Shadrac was being walked by his owner. A woman got out of the car and began to threaten Shadrac. Deputies were once again called. Two days later, while the dogs were being walked, a man started taunting them. This was caught on video.

A letter was delivered after this event, claiming a noise ordinance violation and harboring a dangerous animal.

Shadrac has never bitten anyone, never attacked anyone. No vet or animal control officer has ever complained about Shadrac.

The family is afraid for his life, as well as their own. They feel like they're not being heard. Most of all, they fear they'll soon be burying a beloved family pet if something isn't done.


When is it morally or legally right to protect the perpetrators and ignore the victim?

The officer Maurice Horton, has continued to show a lack of concern for this family and the situation which has escalated.  this family has been harassed and  bullied by the police and the neighborhood.  when is it ok to violate a citizen’s right just because you don’t agree with them? is this the way Georgia handles it’s issues?    This is nothing more than a tactic by the police to allow those who are bullying this family to continue breaking the law without interference.   Those who are doing the bullying are violating laws and nothing is being done about it.  

we are asking for the police to protect this family and their dog Shadrac as is required by law and to investigate and arrest those responsible for illegally harassing this family.

We are hoping that Georgia police will do it’s job and stop the bullying, not only by their own police officers but by those violating the laws of Georgia.  

Every citizen in America has a right to choose their own dog and to live in peace.

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